According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, The US holds the number one spot for being the rape capital of the world. 1 in 6 U.S. women and 1 in 33 U.S. men has experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. More than a quarter of college-age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14. Out of all, only 16% of the total cases are reported. India has a higher rate of rape reporting than the US. In addition, due to atrocity literature against India. Indian rape cases are more likely to blow up in the global media than they would in the US. I completely sympathise with this victim. However, one needs to look at many circumstances before passing judgement on India as a nation. We know from the data that Indian men are not running around like animals randomly raping women. In fact, there are more people who die from school shootings in the US than there are women who die of rapes in India.