Forget about her not being raised by a Black Mother™️. It is a tragedy indeed that Kamala Harris was not raised by her Tamil Indian mother. Her mother worked long hours and left her in the care of various neighbors, so she did not develop a strong sense of her Tamil identity. Her mother was also a product of McCauley’s education policy in India, which meant that her parents would have received a colonial British education over our Indigenous Vedic education. Macauley’s strategy was to wipe out the Indigenous Vedic education system in India, and replace it with an English medium British education. He once remarked that his goal was to create a race of Indians, who were Indian by blood, but British by intellect. In other words, he wanted to creat generations of mentally colonized Indians. It explains why Kamala Harris’s mother, Shymala, left India for the US, a country she perceived as being a superior western country. It also explained why she passed on her colonial mentality to her daughter, and did not instill in her the pride of our Tamil and Vedic civilization. Imagine if she had, we would see a Kamala Harris today with a strong civilizational identity, not some two faced sepoy clown who is nothing but a useful idiot to the White Empire. Kamala Harris should take some time to study our Tamil and Vedic history. She would learn that India gave the world calculus, trigonometry, geometry, steel, mind sciences, psychology and many of the building blocks that made western civilization today possible. She would learn that our Tamil ancestors once ruled most of Southeast Asia. Our great Chola Empire ruled the Indian Ocean in trade and commanded the greatest Navy of medieval times. Our merchants traded with Greece and Rome and built the largest ships of their time. It is merely 250 years ago that India boasted more than 35% of global trade, and was a superpower of its time. Sadly, Kamala Harris knows nothing of this, and has chosen the mediocrity of White Empire over the depth and substance of her civilizational heritage.