Apr 21, 2024


Yet more garbage western propaganda from the Breaking India forces. It would seem that Harvard University itself. the breeding ground for what Rajiv Malhotra calls the breaking India snakes, directed this movie. Dev Patel doesn’t disappoint, sinking lower to portray India in the same light as Slumdog Millionaire, giving western audiences exactly what they want - “India, no toilet” and more “cow, curry, caste”

Patel is just another sepoy who sold out to the western propaganda machine called Hollywood. After all, It is an election year in India and the west loves its atrocity literature.

Patel should keep Hunumanji’s name out of his mouth. As for you, read the book Snakes in the Ganga: Breaking India 2.0 by Rajiv Malhotra. Then come back and write your movie review, westerner.




Written by Kuyili

Traveler. Intellectual Kṣatriya. Paradigm Shifter. buymeacoffee.com/Kuyili

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