Your brain is so colonized that you can’t see through the BS and fuckery of western “civilization”. You consider owning an iPhone as the height of civilization? Civilization means being humane to other humans and to the Planet. The statistics prove you wrong — the west is responsible for the most carbon emissions since the start of the industrial revolution. Over 90% of the goods manufactured in China is consumed in the west, they have even outsourced carbon emmissions to China, how clever.
Western countries have been at war since Biblical times. The western empire maintains 800 military bases in the world, why is this? Who is refusing to share covid vaccine technology right now in the name of corporate profits? A Credit Suisse report shows that 60% of the world’s wealth and resources is owned and controlled by western countries — they make up around 15% of the world’s population. That is criminal and fucked up. Guess how most of that wealth was acquired — from pillaging BIPOC countries and genociding people.
The British stole $45 trillion from India during its occupation of India. Before colonization, India was a world leader in trade, accounting for 27% of the world’s GDP at the time, they were not colonizing the world, simply trading with it. Africa was a hub of trade, there were great civilizations in Africa — the Mali, the Nubians, the list goes on. Read up on the history of our great Motherland, you will be surprised to learn that great cities existed there before the white man. Now look at Africa and India after colonialism. I wonder who is responsible? Space aliens? Ever heard of the Berlin Conference where the white man carved up Africa like a pie they would greedily go on to consume?
The solution — I will let great writer, Indi Samarajiva have the last word. We overthrow the west.
It is already happening. We are wising up, a revolution is coming. In the meantime, you can join Candace Owens in deluded ass-kissing coconut-land.